The Rubicon Family of Companies

Rubicon Professional Services began over 15 years ago, when a group of data center design and construction veterans formed Rubicon Integration in August of 2006. Our focus was offering design, construction, commissioning and technical services solely to the mission critical facility marketplace.
In November 2007, Rubicon Integration was sold to Fortress International Group, Inc. (FIGI), a publicly traded company. The current owners of Rubicon stayed on to manage Rubicon Integration as a wholly owned subsidiary of FIGI.
In December 2009, the current owners acquired all of the assets of Rubicon Integration, including the name, customer base, and entire staff from FIGI, and formed Rubicon Professional Services, LLC (RPS).
On January 1, 2016, RPS spun out Rubicon Technical Services, LLC (RTS) as a separate, stand-alone affiliate company to provide focused technical services to the critical facilities marketplace. Rubicon Technical Services Europe (RTS|E) was formed on January 1, 2017, with Rubicon Technical Services Asia|Pacific (RTS|APAC) following in Q3 2020.
Over the ensuing years, RPS has provided its unique brand of construction and technical services on hundreds of projects throughout the continental US.